Brothers In Code

...a serious misallocation of .net resources

"show errors" For Oracle Scripts

Everything seems to be turned of by default in Oracle.  That includes returning the details of an error in a sql script. 

After finishing a piece of code like a stored proc or trigger, most developers immediately run the script to make sure there are no errors.  Unfortunately this is all you'll see with Oracle:

Warning: Trigger created with compilation errors. 

There is, fortunately, a way to show the detail of those errors.  If you add a "/" to terminate the script and then "show errors;" to the end of you script.  You'll see the following instead:

Warning: Trigger created with compilation errors.


-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
3/5  PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
3/12  PL/SQL: ORA-02289: sequence does not exist

Here's an example:

create or replace trigger PROJECT_BIU
before insert
referencing old as old new as new
for each row

    --create the id
    select ProjectNuber_seq.nextval
    into :new.Project_Number
    from dual;
show errors;

Generating A WCAT Script With Fiddler

The Web Capacity Analysis Tool (WCAT) is simple tool for stressing a web server.  It's fairly straight forward, but because it's UI is very minimal, it can be a little tedious to set up a test.  Microsofts older Web Application Stress Tool (WAS) had a nice feature to record a browser session by acting as a proxy and so I did a quick google search to see if I could find something similar for WCAT.  As further testimate to Fiddler's awesomeness, "thomad" has written a great WCAT Fiddler plugin that does exactly what I want.