Brothers In Code

...a serious misallocation of .net resources

Paying Your Competitor's Training Costs - Following Instead of Leading

Have you ever advocated for something new or different only to have the door slammed with something like “that’s not industry standard” or “what we already do is best practice”?   What does this even mean? If standards and practices cannot be challenged how do they ever change?

I have a quote hanging on my wall:

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.

Matsuo Basho

To me that means don’t just follow, but seek the reasons they went in that direction in the first place. This might seem simple but the idea has big implications in business.

Every business is different. Different sizes. Different goals. Different customers. Some businesses are innovators and at the forefront of their industry. And some are just trying to catch up. Maybe for that latter group, following what others do is a way to catch up; a way to pull a little closer to their competition. But at some point doesn’t every business want to lead? How can you lead if you’re doing what everybody else is doing?

Of course the other problem is that are you making an apples to apples to comparison to begin with? “Software” means a lot of different things, but I think you can generalize with the following attributes:

  • Lifespan of the software
  • Size of the team developing the software
  • Size of the software’s user base
  • Distribution makeup of the software

Taking stock of these things can drastically affect the VALUE of your development methodology. The value of things like unit testing or automated builds is MUCH higher when you consider the cost of a defect in something like SQL Server. Compare that to your home grown project tracking system with 10 users that needs a single file updated on a single server within your organization? The value just isn’t the same.

Then there’s the question of whether something is “standard” to begin with. There are multiple ways to skin a cat, and sometimes a company has to choose a way that makes sense in the most generic fashion. Take Microsoft’s layout of an MVC project in Visual Studio. There are three folders: controllers, models, and views. In a large project where the work might be horizontally separated over different developers, that might make some sense. But frankly, grouping these things first by project domain and THEN by the logical architecture makes a lot more sense to me. If I’m developing a project vertically thru all the layers, I’d much rather have the Customer views, view models, and controllers in one “Customer” folder to save me the disjoint development experience of jumping around. Is this wrong? I don’t’ think so. If you’re so inclined you can even assign namespaces to these different classes as if they were still had the old layout. The logical architecture of the compiled solution would be identical. The only thing I did was change the physical layout of my code files. This is NOT something that is “standard”.

Now, am I advocating against “industry standards”? Of course not. Take on as many of them as you can. When something is industry standard it can also mean better resources and better support. But the key is to use those standards because they solve a problem that you actually have. When you don’t actually have those problems, your employees are solving problems that their NEXT employer needs solved. Do you want to pay for training for your competitor’s employees?